Great resource for reaching the Japanese

Are you interested in reaching the Japanese and praying for their salvation? If so, please check out this great resource. It is a book written by a friend of ours, Japanese pastor Noriyuki Miyake. You can check out his book and purchase it from Amazon, just click here!

Japan Assemblies of God Disaster Response Blog

About Us

Alex and Kathryn Humphreys

Isabella (5 yrs. old) & Gabriella (2 yrs. old)

We are Assemblies of God World Missionaries from the United States to the nation of Japan.  We have been in Japan since 2006 fulfilling a life long dream of serving God specifically in Japan.  We live in Tokyo and serve as site pastors at Tokyo City Church, an international and multicultural experience with a focus of ministering in Japanese to the Japanese and to internationals who have a desire to see their Japanese family members introduced to Christ.